The start of term is always such an exciting time of year, as students and staff return refreshed, energised and excited about the new term. As we all embrace different challenges and new opportunities, we enter the 2019 academic year with renewed optimism and positivity.
Already this week, you will have noticed small changes at Sherfield. These include the significant work undertaken by our facilities team during the summer period, who have worked tirelessly to ensure the school and grounds are ready for the start to term. There have also been curriculum changes, new staff to welcome and the Ad Vitam Paramus Diploma to introduce.
During the summer, we have also been developing links with external partners. As we continue to prepare our students for a very different future, we strive to equip them with a wide range of skills to be successful. We are delighted to be working with IBM this term in developing links with their Smarter Schools initiative. Next week, Year 8 students will be engaged in an ‘Ideation Workshop’ with IBM focused on Sustainability. Several of our students will then participate in a 2 day Grand Finale event at IBM Hursley in October. We are also planning Year 5 and 6 events at IBM Hursley for later in the Autumn term and further experiences moving forward.
Students from Sherfield will also be participating this year in a Global Innovation Challenge, competing against students from across the world in a GEMS X (the future-focused research and development arm of GEMS Education) event. We are also engaged with GEMS X in the middle east on a Global Skills Curriculum, focused on skills for the future and a Computational Thinking and AI Initiative.
The future is certainly bright at Sherfield and I hope you are as excited about the opportunities of the new academic year as we are. I look forward to working closely with you this year.
Senior Leadership Team Blog