This week at Sherfield we enjoyed two fabulous activity mornings in Pre-Reception and Nursery. With children joined by parents and staff, they were able to engage in a range of lovely experiences painting, sticking, pasting, making, singing and being creative. Although these opportunities may seem like simply a bit of fun, they certainly offer a chance for children to learn and develop.
In fact, creative thinking and creative problem solving are fast becoming some of the key skills employers are looking for in the workforce. Creative play and creative thinking offer intellectual benefits, for example through activities involving measuring, sorting and problem-solving, requiring increasingly complex thinking skills. Physical benefits are also evident as children develop fine and gross motor skills. There are clearly emotional and social benefits and also the opportunity to develop communication skills in a fun and supportive environment. This, in turn, leads to building their vocabulary and developing their imagination.
As we have also celebrated Sports Relief, Science week and Pi day, our children have benefited from a range of exciting and engaging activities this week.
Senior Leadership Team Blog