In an era of inequality and poverty, orphan Oliver Twist is on the run on the streets of London. Taken under the wing of street urchin The Artful Dodger and the criminal Mastermind Fagin, the boy is taught to pick a pocket or two and put out to work. When Oliver's next potential victim takes pity on him and offers him a place to stay, Fagin's psychotic second-in-command Bill Sykes plots to kidnap the boy to stop him spilling the beans.
After the sell-out success of last year’s Wizard of Oz, Sherfield School’s Courtyard Theatre Company returns. This award-winning musical, featuring some of Lionel Bart’s best and most famous work (Consider Yourself, Food Glorious Food, As Long As He Needs Me), brings Charles Dickens’ novel to life in this fun family favourite.
You can but your tickets here: http://www.anvilarts.org.uk/whats-on/oliver