Day 1 - Monday 29 April
After a quick lunch on our arrival and a welcome from the Heatree staff, the children were very excited to move into their bedrooms earlier than expected giving them a chance to choose their bunks and make their beds.

Our first activity involved a variety of tasks and challenges promoting teamwork and ended with all the groups firing water rockets across the field. There was then time to unpack before our evening meal and our first day ended with the children enjoying the opportunity to play games on the field.

Day 2 - Tuesday 30 April
A relaxed breakfast was followed by the activity groups setting off to different areas of the Heatree grounds. While some learnt the basics of fencing and enjoyed competing against each other, other groups used keys to identify the various creatures that they caught in the stream using nets and the “Heatree Shuffle”.
In the afternoon the groups switched activities and one group were the first to take on the challenge of the climbing tower. The centre staff opened up the gift shop so that souvenirs and postcards could be bought, so expect some to be making their way to you soon. The day finished with rounders matches on the field before drinks and bed.

We said goodbye to Mrs Holliman, Mrs Page and Mrs Johnson as Mrs West, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Brain arrived.

Day 3 - Wednesday 1 May
An early start allowed us to arrive at Saltern Cove just in time for low tide. The children were provided with identification keys and buckets and given time to explore the rock pools to discover how the types of plants and animals that they found changed as they moved up the beach. There were plenty of crabs captured and quite a few soggy socks that were left to dry as we enjoyed lunch. In the afternoon we spent time on the beach at Goodrington, with the children creating wonderful sculptures out of sand, stones and anything else they could find on the beach. The eagerly anticipated disco entertained them during the evening - thanks to Mrs West, Ms Hight, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Brain for the music, lights and dance moves!

Day 4 - Thursday 2 May
Our last full day at Heatree saw the children learning to light fires, make nettle tea and camp bread and build shelters during their bushcraft activities and tackle the climbing wall. After tea we all enjoyed sharing talents and silly songs around the campfire, toasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and celebrated the four Birthdays that have taken place while we have been away. On our final day all groups completed an eco-challenge before lunch and returning back to Sherfield.