This half term, the Sherfield Reception classes spent a few weeks learning all about different nursery rhymes. They had the opportunity to learn and perform them, re-write them and write speech bubbles for the characters, making nursery rhyme art, make protective jackets for Humpty Dumpty and so much more!
To celebrate the end of the topic we invited the children in Reception and Pre-reception to dress up as Nursery Rhyme characters and take part in an array of Nursery Rhyme activities together.
Reception children performed nursery rhymes to the pre-reception and then they worked together to make nursery rhyme art – adding glitter to stars, adding wool to sheep, making play dough spiders.
To show off their costumes we made a catwalk with disco lights for them to model on which was so much fun! In the afternoon they used lots of different construction materials to make walls to balance Humpty Dumpty on.
The children had lots of fun and it is just one of many days we spend with pre-reception as a way to transition them ready for starting school in September, familiarising them with the rooms, adults etc. You can watch a video of their activities here:
Miss Mclaughlan, Reception Class Teacher