Our year 9 pupil, Megan, shares below her experiences of the gliding partnership at Sherfield:
My Gliding Experience so far...
As you would probably expect, gliding is a very unique experience that is unlike anything else I have ever done. I have been gliding for about a term (I think) and have loved every minute of it. From using the flight simulator on the first day due to bad weather to learning to drive the buggies around the airfield and of course the gliding itself. I have also learnt how to attach gliders to the winch so they might be launched safely which has been very interesting. I have also had fun with the people I am gliding with. As the only girl and year 9 student who is gliding with school currently, I have enjoyed getting to know people who are not in my year and who, ordinarily, I would not talk to. I am really looking forward to learning to glide solo, as that is my ultimate goal. I would highly recommend gliding as it something new, different and amazing!