GCSE Science Live!
A truly thought provoking day where Year 11 pupils had the opportunity to see and listen to five inspiring and very engaging Scientists. These Scientists included: Helen Czerski, Jim Al-Khalili, Robert Winston, Alice Roberts and Andrea Sella, who many of you will be familiar with from the media. Each Scientist challenged ideas of how Science works in their specialist fields, where everyday life examples were explained. Examples included, comparison of raw and cooked eggs spinning, time travel through worm holes, the creation of life from the starting embryo, our evolutionary links to dog fish and finally how pressure cookers can change our thinking!
In addition two examiner sessions were held and pupils were given the opportunity to receive advice from a Chief Examiner.
All pupils were impeccably behaved and were true ambassadors of Sherfield School. A truly delightful and engaging day for all of us.
Thank you to Mr. Gembidge and Mrs. Cross for accompanying me.
Mrs. Nayar