Family life has changed considerably since lockdown began. Being a parent can be challenging in everyday situations but those challenges have certainly increased as we face supporting our children through remote learning, limited opportunities for socialising and restrictions to our hobbies and outdoor activities.
Staying at home more, or having to work from home, during these difficult times can put different pressures on everyone. When things are different to what we are used to it is important to give young people reassurance and support. It is an key part of what we do at Sherfield and we have extended this into our remote learning provision.
Drop-in social groups at break and lunch time, weekly singing sessions, house competitions and assemblies, daily contact with the Tutor, the Big Life journal and PSHE lessons looking at self-care are just some of the many activities that we have been offering to maintain social connections for the children and bring some opportunities to support them through the challenges that they face.
Next week is Children's Mental Health Week and we are looking forward to our ‘Off-screen Day’ on Wednesday 3 February. The theme for the week is Express Yourself and so many of the activities planned across the school will aim to give the pupils and parents an opportunity to express themselves through a wide range of media; painting, cooking, physical activity, drama, music or the written word, for example. Hopefully this will generate opportunities for the pupils to talk about their feelings, thoughts, hopes and dreams for the future.
Looking after your own mental health is also vital to the pupil’s well-being. As parents we dedicate much of our time to caring for others and sometimes forget that by caring for yourself you are caring for others too. Try to take some time this weekend and during children's mental health week to try new things together or just take some time for yourself. As the Dalai Lama says,
"If you feel exhausted, it is best for the sake for everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself."
Have a restful weekend.
Kind regards
Emma West, Head of Senior Prep
News Senior Leadership Team Blog