Our classes, pupils, bubbles, houses, tutors and phases were all able to join in the end of term celebrations this week whether that be online or in person.
Year 4 had a lovely end of term prom to celebrate their time in Junior Prep. Year 3 were all able to get together for a picnic (despite a bit of rain).
The last day began with a 'Monster Morning Motivation' fitness session with the bubbles from all 9 year groups who were back in school and pupils at home also. Most routines were led by the pupils themselves!
The last day finished off with various challenges and games from a staff vs sixth form rounders match to silly sports in year 5 and 6 to online challenges in years 7, 8 and 9 to inter-bubble challenges such as a scavenger hunt in year 10.
Junior Prep News Senior Prep Seniors Sixth Form