On Friday 12th October, 15 of Sherfield’s finest adventurers journeyed into the New Forest under the supervision of Mr Bridges, Miss Neville-Harris and Mr Warriner. The expedition lasted three days and the groups walked an average of 13km a day through woodland and idyllic villages. The weather held for the first two days however luck was not on their side on the final day. At 3.00am on Sunday, the heavens opened, and stayed open, for approximately 10 hours. The not-so-happy group had to strike camp, have breakfast and set off in the heavy rain, keeping focus on their navigation and their spirits high. At 2.00pm on the Sunday, the first of the 15 soggy students appeared on the horizon with all crossing the finish line soon after. Though there were blisters, achy feet and drenched clothes, every single one of the Sherfield students completed the journey and we are extremely proud of them. In April 2019, they will do this all again but this time it will be assessed. We wish them a happy and restful half term break.