As many of the pupils will tell you, one of the major foci of Sherfield School is being kind. They will tell you that making others feel good with kindness can be really rewarding; making us feel great about our actions as humans, for doing the right thing. But there is more to practising kindness, it also has a profound effect on us. It improves our own mental and physiological health, helping us to become happier and more compassionate towards others. Being kind to others has been known to help boost our own immune system, slow down aging, elevate our self-esteem and even improve blood pressure.
Research shows that both practising and witnessing acts of kindness can help reduce blood pressure by producing oxytocin, known as the 'love hormone'.'Oxytocin causes the release of nitric acid in the blood vessels which effectively expands the them thus reducing blood pressure.’ Self-esteem, a better outlook on life (optimism) and a healthy heart are said to be the benefits of kindness. But it doesn’t stop there. Kindness has a positive effect on others that spreads.
In school, we actively teach the principles of kindness, knowing that kindness is contagious. Experiencing an act of kindness can improve our mood, it can make our day and increases the likelihood of spreading that kindness to others. We know that being kind takes practice.
“It’s kind of like weight training, we found that people can actually build up their compassion ‘muscle’ and respond to others’ suffering with care and a desire to help.” Dr Ritchie Davidson, University of Wisconsin
And most of all we know that you can’t win a person over with unkindness or indifference.
“Kindness makes a person attractive. If you could win the world, melt it, do not hammer it.” Alexander McClaren
The positive effects on our mental health are endless… being kind relieves pain, as it releases endorphins in the brain. It’s a natural painkiller. It lowers stress and delays aging. Kindness improves mood, depression and anxiety. Kindness stimulates the production of serotonin which heals wounds, calms us and increases happiness. Kindness brings about elevated levels of dopamine in the brain causing our pleasure/reward centres to light up. This is known as the 'helpers high'. It not only makes us feel good about ourselves, but helps us begin to believe in ourselves, increasing our self-worth.
But most of all, kindness helps improve relationships by reducing the distance between individuals.
There’s enough unkindness in the world. As individuals, a school and a community, we perform random acts of kindness to help others.
How will you challenge yourself to do random acts of kindness during this month?
Mrs Bouwer, Head of Junior Prep
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