Virtual School & Remote Learning

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At Sherfield School, we are set up to accommodate remote learning, allowing our pupils to continue their education when outside of school. We have provisions in place to facilitate effective remote teaching. Alongside our academic programme, sports and pastoral care are accessible to pupils, parents, staff and members of the Sherfield community alike.

To read about our continuous provision through remote learning in the different phases of our Virtual School and our Virtual Enrichment programme please click on the buttons below.

Junior Prep (Reception to Year 4)

Senior Prep (Year 5 to Year 8)

Senior School (Year 9 to Year 11)

Sixth Form (Year 12 and Year 13)

Virtual Enrichment


Our Approach to Online Learning

During these unprecedented times, we have now transitioned back into a virtual school whilst also providing on-site education for children of key workers and all Nursery and Pre-Reception children. 

Throughout the school closure periods, teachers have worked tirelessly to provide innovative and engaging online lessons for their pupils. Their creativity and initiatives have known no bounds. Parents have been incredibly supportive of Sherfield, whilst having to take on bigger roles in aiding their child's learning. Through a collaborative approach across the Bellevue Group and within Sherfield School; parents, pupils, teachers and support staff have ensured continuity of education and maintained a strong sense of community.

In this video, Bellevue's Education Director, David Williams, talks to Nick Brain, our Headmaster and Head of Farlington School, Louise Higson about how we have managed the online learning environment during lockdown: what we have learned and our partnership with parents.

Our Approach to Online Learning Video


Virtual Clubs

'Singing for Fun Club' is on Thursdays at 3:40pm and is open to all - pupils and staff. They can access the class through a Zoom link.

'Art Master Challenge Club' is suitable for all age groups and is on every day at 1:00pm.  Pupils join the google classroom and are sent tasks which have to be completed by 1pm the next day where they then meet up virtually in Zoom to submit their entries. Winners will not only get house points but there will be an award for best scores on a weekly and monthly basis and then an overall winner. Everyone is ultimately playing for the wonderful Art Master Trophy!

'Drama Club' is on Wednesdays at 3:30pm for pupils from Year 7 to Year 13. It is suitable for performers and technicians and newbies are always welcome. Activities include making a movie and script readings; all working towards performances online and in-person when the school re-opens.


Supporting your Child with Effective Remote Pastoral Care

We want every day to be the best possible learning experience for every pupil. During the lockdown, we were faced with the challenge of maintaining this remotely, whilst also readjusting our support to address the extra learning responsibilities placed on pupils and parents in a remote learning setting. 

In this podcast, Bellevue's Education Director, Gregg Davies, talks to our Deputy Head, Christopher James-Roll, and Deputy Head of Oratory Prep School, Gill Smith, about supporting your child with effective remote pastoral care. They also provide advice to parents on how to best support your child during lockdown and in going back to school. 

Pastoral Podcast

Praise for our Virtual School

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I cannot thank you enough for all the support you give our children. We could not ask for more. You are all amazing. 5 January 2021

My boys very first day at Sherfield today- not the start I’d have hoped for... but I’ve been so impressed with how smoothly it is all going. The support and care we have been shown... and how welcoming the other students have been (despite being virtual)- during break out groups etc- THANK YOU. We feel fortunate to have been able to join this wonderful school. 5 January 2021

 I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our son's tutors. I have had the privilege of overhearing some of his tutorials which I have been really impressed and even inspired with. The quality of teaching and engagement with him has been excellent and we would wish to congratulate all the staff for their outstanding delivery in teaching.

 Many thanks for the arrangements you have put in place to continue the children's learning during this difficult time. We both feel that the system is working well and it gives structure to the day for the children

 Thank you for continuing to strive to provide the children with a happy and enriching environment, despite the challenging times we’re facing. I appreciate that you all have your own families to be thinking of and we’re very grateful that you’re able and willing to continue providing stability for our children when they need it the most.

 Thank everyone for all your effort.  The new system is working fantastically well and my son is really enjoying it.  I'm amazed as to what has been achieved in such a short length of time and the engagement of both the students and staff.  My son is bouncing out of bed keen to work (thankfully this time not for games!) and has needed no parent motivation at all - which is amazing and has really helped.  Many of my son's friends from other schools are commenting about their systems - generally not positive and their parents are struggling to support them - so we feel very lucky in the circumstances.  None of his friends have got anything in place even remotely comparable.

 Overall, I have been really impressed with how you and your team have managed the current situation and, aside from the few suspected and understandable teething problems, my boys have managed to login to their online classes and both have had productive lessons. 

 So impressed with the work at the moment, you are all doing an amazing job. 

 Well done to you and all the team! 

 I just wanted to pass my thanks to everyone at the school for how you are responding to the current situation, be it the timetable, the continued focus on supporting the children in their education and development or the prompt communication and updates to parents.  All of it so very impressive.  Thank you all.

 I would like to thank you and all your staff at Sherfield School for their dedication and hard work during this difficult time. I appreciate how challenging the situation is and the amount of work required to provide good quality lessons for all the students. Miss Moore’s morning motivation is fantastic, and even I have joined in!

 Thank you very much and for all the staff for everything you are doing.

 I just wanted to say thank you to the leadership team and all the staff, for all your support, for our children, for their continued learning, for their emotional needs and thus supporting parents in keeping some semblance of normality.

 I just wanted to pass on our appreciation for the excellent information and decisions that the school has made during an extremely difficult time.

 The start of the calls are really good as it sets out the work so thank you for that.

 It’s working well. Great job by the teachers.

 I think it’s all working really well, well done Sherfield!

 It's working very well.  Given the circumstances, this is great and very much appreciated.

 I think it works well with the younger ones doing seesaw and the older on zoom - it makes life easier for the parents!

 Working well for us too.  A few early teething probs but it's a good opportunity for us all to learn together.  Everyone is doing a great job. 

 I like how it's working, it has allowed me to continue to work, so thanks.

 Working well for us - really good balance of work, access to teachers and flexibility.  It has helped to provide us with a structure for the day too.  Well done all. 

 Seesaw for little ones is great for them and Zoom for older ones, I personally think they work great for the years

 A amazing job by the school. Seems to be working out really well for Year 8 at the moment.

 I would like to thank all the Sherfield staff. This is great exposure for the students of what to expect from remote working.

 Great job with the online learning setup! It's good to have real time lessons because it helps kids to structure the day and not postponing the watching of the lessons to other days. 

 Morning motivation is fantastic. 

 Morning motivation is great.  The energy Miss Moore brings makes a huge difference.

 Sherfield has done a fantastic job in continuing the learning/support for the children and your comms to us parents has been really useful - thank you. 

 We are getting good e-mail response from the teachers – thanks. 

 A big thank you to all the staff. 

 Thank you all for effort! 

 Massive thank you! 

 Thank you - keep going 

 Brilliant job all… Well done 

 I love when the children have a small challenge that can then be shared with others - small video challenges like Mr. Reynolds has done. It helps them stay connected I feel. 

 Very good start. Very good planning and execution. 

 I’m really impressed at how well things have run. The girls have been quite relaxed so far. 

 I think you're all doing an amazing job. It's a great opportunity for students to experience remote working which is the way employers are going. Thank you all. 

I have a child at a different school and although his education is continuing, Sherfield is very impressive with what it is delivering.  thank you.

 Overall, I think everyone is doing a brilliant job under difficult circumstances.

 I think the structure and timetable you have put in place to keep our children learning through this difficult period is outstanding and I do believe it will put them ahead of the curve.  Thank you! 

 Thank you to everyone for your amazing efforts! 

 Our daughter seems to be really enjoying the online learning - thank you. 

 Thanks for keeping the Year 11’s focused and motivated! 

 Really enjoying the online learning.  Amazing job - thank you! 

 Thank you - really appreciate the open communication from the school. 

 The balance and support has been very good from our perspective. 

 We are grateful for how well it is organised. 

 We have two other schools supporting our other kids and no doubt you are the best prepared and organised. 

 Thanks very much... and we have to say a really great job being done here by Sherfield! 

 Thank you. You guys are doing a great job.  Very grateful. 

 Thank you, it is brilliant! 

You have done such an amazing job, can’t thank you enough. 

 This week was fantastic, amazing work done by the teachers! 

 Please thank them from us for all the amazing support. 

 You are the real unsung heroes. 

 Teachers are doing a great job thank you. 

 A massive thank you to all the teaching staff & leadership team at Sherfield.

 Absolutely, a massive thank you to all the teaching staff & leadership team at Sherfield! Well done. Mrs Warmerdam is Star of a Week! Superb work. She works 24/7. 

 Thank you very much for all your hard work. 

 Just a massive thank you. 

 I have three happier kids at home.  Good structured day. Well done all. 

 I have to say that the learning package has been prepared very well. It helps greatly. Thank you! 

 Well done to the team at Sherfield. Thank you! 

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