Year 5 pupils have been putting their sleuthing skills into practice this week, as they have worked on solving the mystery of the missing millions in the London Chancery Lane Robbery.
Using their knowledge of punctuation and grammar, the detective team solved a number of clues until, on Wednesday morning, they were facing the last two puzzles, hoping that they would be able to track down the location of the stolen goods.
Success, the clues had been revealed….but it wasn’t over yet. They still had to piece together the location.
Clue 1 – Fortunately, we already speak the language.
Clue 2 – We can exchange some of the money for dollars there.
Clue 3 – It will be very hot and humid because of the tropical climate.
Clue 4 – The flight will take less than ten hours.
Clue 5 – The flag contains blue stripes.
At last, the dogged detectives were able to celebrate – they had tracked the missing money to the Bahamas.
Celebrations continued well into the morning!