In a world transformed by technology, social media and dominated by hectic lifestyles, the benefits and more importantly enjoyment of reading sometimes get lost! Whilst I thoroughly enjoy ‘getting lost’ in a good book, personally I often find it difficult to find the time and space to sit and enjoy the simple pleasure of reading.
For all of us, books literally open up an opportunity to transport ourselves into another world, away from the day to day reality and stresses of modern life. For children, the ability to focus on a story, connect with different characters and experience the interactions within the text enable them to connect with their emotions and empathise with others.
Reading is a crucial element of every child’s education, a fundamental activity for children’s development which evokes curiosity as they visualise and imagine, boosting memory cells along the way. Through reading, children learn about new places, people and events. They gain exposure to new ideas and beliefs, understand how to be more tolerant and appreciate the perspective of others. As children improve their reading skills, they sharpen their comprehension and analytical thinking ability, as well as their understanding of technical and critical language.
Most importantly, reading should be fun, especially as we experience excitement and enjoyment as the story unfolds. At Sherfield, we place great importance on reading and continue to encourage all members of our school community to pick up a good book and get reading!
Have a lovely weekend!
Senior Leadership Team Blog