What a term it's been for the green-themed enrichment groups at Sherfield! Friday 10th December saw the culmination of all of the student's hard work with their eco-friendly initiatives.
This half term the Green Flag group have been focussed on energy-saving initiatives. The group have discussed the implications of heading into the winter months and the impact that shorter days and colder weather have on our lighting and heating usage. The group have undertaken a number of initiatives this term including auditing and walk-arounds the school to switch off lights in unused rooms, as well as making a series of bright, eye-catching posters to encourage their peers to use be mindful of energy use (click here to see the posters). For their final session, the Green Flag team delivered presentations on sustainability and how they hope to continue their work to make Sherfield and it's community more eco-friendly.
Meanwhile, the RHS Gardening Club, led by the green-fingered Mrs. Walsh were out in the fields alongside the A33, planting a variety of native species trees to help improve the local biodiversity and counteract traffic pollution along the route.
Also doing their bit to reduce traffic-related air pollution, was the Green Power Enrichment team who have spent much of this term hand-building a fully electric vehicle! The team carried out their first test runs on Friday, with each member performing a circuit lap around the front of school, including the group leader, Sherfield Science teacher Mr. Megaw. The car was a huge success, and managed some impressive speeds around the track.
We are look forward to seeing the initiatives that our fantastic green-themed teams develop in 2022!
Watch the video below: