Over the half term, I had the chance to visit Athens and all its assets as a cultural volunteer/ambassador for the FAWCO Youth Programme. This trip was an eye-opening experience because of the wonderful culture, as well as the opportunity to make a difference in communities other than our own. I and 12 other volunteers got to see rich ancient sites such as the Parthenon and the Temple of Poseidon, as well as experience its modern side at the Greek Parliament with its changing of the guard and the Niarchos Foundation Library. We also got to see the flip side: the poor backstreets, the packed refugee centres and soup kitchens. We met some of the local Greek students as well, where we discussed the differences in the education systems, many of the Geek children complaining about how little opportunities there were in school and that most of their learning was outside of school in extra classes. Experiencing all of this has shown me the beautiful diversity of Greek culture, but also given me a better appreciation for what I have. I hope to be able to participate in their programmes again, as this was an incredible, eye-opening experience.
- Francesca (Year 9)