Autumn term is always very busy in Sixth Form, especially for Year 13 students, who are juggling the additional demands of finishing their university applications and revising for November mock exams. As Head of Sixth Form, it is wonderful that I am able to spend quality time with each student, providing personalised guidance on their course choices, as well as regular feedback on their personal statement. The time students invest into researching course options is such an important part of this process, and universities have certainly adapted quickly to the current situation, offering a range of webinars and virtual open days for students to attend.
At Sherfield, we also recognise that students should be encouraged to think about their future plans, long before they arrive in the Sixth Form. This year I have worked closely with Mr Page and Mrs West to introduce a new PSHE programme into Senior Prep and Seniors, which provides a number of opportunities for students to explore career ideas in lessons, as well as through master classes. As a school we recognise that we have a wealth of career expertise in our parent body and are keen to hear from any parents who would like to get more involved in our careers programme.
Research consistently shows that to maximise a student’s engagement with their education, it is essential that they are involved in the process. At Sherfield, the school council provides an ideal opportunity for students, from all phases of the school, to discuss issues and ideas on aspects of school life that can be improved. Last week, myself and Mr Brain met with students from Years 11 - 13, to hear their ideas on how we could improve the Sixth Form experience even more. We were both very impressed with the ideas that were presented, and much to the delight of our students, the suggestion for Dress Down Friday in the Sixth Form has been approved. I wish you all a wonderful weekend and will finish with the words of a wise Chinese sage.
“I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”
Chinese proverb
Ms Seamark
Head of Sixth Form
Senior Leadership Team Blog Sixth Form